Thursday, May 15, 2014

News of the radio show, We're Too Smart To Live Like This on Janesville Community Radio

The radio show, We’re Too Smart To Live Like This, is brought to you for 3 Reasons:

- to recognize people that are building the lifestyle of their dreams
- inspire others to do so with the variety of stories shared by Guest Speakers
- share resources and opportunities

This Newsletter includes:a review of last week's show, complete with the link to the replay
  • an announcement of this week's show, with the link to listen live
  • some tips on how to maintain a positive mindset
  • some career tips for today's professional 

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth
can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.  — Thomas Jefferson
Here's to our success,

~ Dianne Young

"Get in where you fit in" or "Go where you can grow"?

by Radio Show Host Dianne Young

Finding a career is like finding a mate!  We should be as serious about choosing the right career as we are about finding Mr Right instead of settling for Mr Right Now!  "Get in where we can fit in" means we found a J.O.B (Just Over Broke) to pay the bills.  Many studies have shown that when we go where we can grow, we are happier in that job, more productive and more likely to stay there!

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Here is a quick message for Employees as well as Employers.

ATTENTION EMPLOYEES:   If you're not happy with your job, consider the pros and cons of it. I highly recommend the book, "Wellbeing" by Tom Rath and Jim Harter.  It contains several simple ways to improve your career wellbeing.  Look for ways of growing in that company if you see an opportunity, instead of forfeiting your seniority and benefits. If you decide it is time to make a move, start your research BEFORE you need to move so you have options!  You don't want to be forced into just taking another job at the last minute because you just can't stand your current job anymore!

ATTENTION EMPLOYERS: Assuming you hired good leaders, the performance review should be the magic to foster a culture of continued professional development. If good communication has been the practice from the start, there should be no surprises during the performance review.  Good communication ensures that the Employee knows the expectations and knows how to meet them.  The key is an honest, tactful discussions about how the Employee can continue to improve.  As Richard Branson put it, "Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to."  It is cheaper to retain (yes, retrain if necessary) employees then it is to hire and train a new one!

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A World Class Example: Vector Marketing, founded on teaching Skills for Life and giving people the opportunity to work with only a good attitude and a willingness to learn. This is a chance to learn and grow as fast as you want to and be mentored to achieve your goals.  The company values are People, Products and Programs so there are frequent training events to keep people engaged and learning to provide world class service with the world's finest cutlery! I have found this to be a place to go if you really do want to grow!

Learn more about this great opportunity with Vector Marketing at